Regina Communicator Awards
Communications always starts with research and IABC/Regina exists to serve its members.
Our finding is that the membership enjoyed the Regina Communicator Awards program, but it was not something they needed and it was not something they had the time to formally participate in.
As such, IABC/Regina is discontinuing the program in 2016.
That being said, we still plan to hold a gala night in late spring to celebrate our professions. We will keep the line-up informal and focused on networking. We also hope to have a few surprises that add value to your membership and speaks to IABC's advocacy role in our community.
We would still propose to bestow a lifetime achievement award. Please contact us with your suggestion for a communicator worthy of this recognition (contact@iabcregina.ca). We will seek testimonials and co-ordinate the award if we receive enough interest.
Thank you to all the volunteers that helped deliver the Regina Communicator Awards from 2013 to 2016 and congratulations again to all the nominees and recipients. We will review the program again in 2018 for the chapter's 40th anniversary.
IABC/Regina’s new mentorship program designed exclusively for members
Ask any accomplished communication professional what the key component of their success is, and chances are it involves some form of mentorship, whether it is advice from a colleague, ongoing guidance from a manager, or inspiration from a peer. The common theme is that each time we reach out to individuals within other work environments, we learn from their experience and benefit from their insight.
That’s why IABC/Regina is excited to be launching “MentorCentre”, our new three-phase mentorship framework, to be available to members beginning February, 2017. This service is in response to member input and is aligned with the IABC/Regina Board’s annual strategic plan. It will be led by IABC Fellow Anna Willey, ABC, MC, and is intended to meet a wide range of member needs.
“MentorCentre builds on the great work of past volunteer initiatives including the mentorship challenge concept,” says Anna. “Regardless of an individual’s career path, location or duration, it is important that we listen to and learn from each other. Within the framework, members can expand their individual worldview, contribute to a community initiative, or learn more about the process of coaching and leadership.”
First phase - Entry and mid-level communication professionals will be introduced and connected with senior
communication colleagues from southern Saskatchewan or around the world. Because each individual’s situation is unique, the learning opportunity can range from experience from within similar organizations, personal career aspirations, or advancing within their current career path. Once individuals have registered, our coordinator will match experiences and interests, make initial introductions, align expectations, and check in quarterly to determine any changes or provide support.
Second phase - Over the next few months, IABC/Regina will launch a community outreach process - the ‘Gift of
Communication’ initiative which will match interested mentors/mentees with local not-for-profit organizations
that need help with a specific communication objective. Stay tuned for further details to participate in this great opportunity to give back to our community and connect with others while building your experience base.
Third phase - Later this year, a professional development session will be held to help members learn more about the opportunity to grow as mentors, coaches and leaders within their own organization. This workshop will include presentations from external experts in the area.
Alignment with certification - Participating in mentoring also aligns with the maintenance requirement of certification where “development of the skills of another communicator through a formal teaching, coaching or mentoring program (excluding line management responsibilities)” is articulated within the categories for adequate professional development points.
Chapter leadership
As a member of IABC/Regina for more than 30 years, Anna was pleased to get involved when IABC/Regina was exploring a process which could expand efforts of engaging members locally and internationally.
“I’m looking forward to assisting with this program,” Anna says. “IABC is made up of thousands of talented and dedicated professionals, so providing a framework for positive collaboration gives our members a chance to tap into world-class expertise. Our extended community outreach through the ‘Gift of Communication’ initiative will also provide excellent opportunities to learn.”
The goal for IABC/Regina is that the overall program is flexible, accessible and relevant with an approach to meet the needs of members at any stage of their career.
Anna will build from her significant career and volunteer experience to tailor the approaches.
“I have always been fortunate to have dedicated mentors and world-class communication professionals within my network,” she notes.
She has an extensive IABC network from her many volunteer activities which have included numerous chapter
roles as well as international assignments of Chair, IABC Accreditation Council and Co-chair of the Career Roadmap Committee with Dr. Amanda Hamilton-Attwell, ABC, IABC Fellow, a colleague from South Africa. This multi-focused committee had members from around the world, and together was instrumental in IABC adopting the Global Standard of the Communication Profession which defines career purpose, principles and the career paths. She has also served on the IABC Academy, Master Communicator and Fellow committees.
“I hope IABC/Regina members will get involved in a way that works in their busy schedules,” says Anna.
We encourage you to take advantage of this unique opportunity. You can connect with Anna at
amwilley@accesscomm.ca to register or if you have any questions.

Silver Leaf Awards
IABC Canada is searching every corner of the country, on a quest for communication excellence. Think best-in-class work that exemplifies excellence in strategic planning and outstanding creative execution. It’s the Silver Leaf Awards program, your tribute to leading edge work delivered by smart thinkers across Canada. You could be among them, so get ready to share your work and tell us your story.
The Silver Leaf Awards program offers opportunities for recognition and professional development, and provides content that contributes to our profession’s body of knowledge.Learn more here: https://iabccanada.ca/en/silver-leaf-awards/
Application information
Visit the Silver Leaf website for full application details: https://iabccanada.ca/en/silver-leaf-awards/
Gold Quill Awards
About the Gold Quill Awards
The Gold Quill Awards is IABC’s premier program recognizing and fostering excellence in the field of business communication.
Learn more here: http://gq.iabc.com/
Application information
Visit the Gold Quill website for full application details: http://gq.iabc.com/

IABC Master Communicator Award
The IABC Canada Master Communicator Award (MC) is a lifetime achievement award and is the highest honor
IABC Canada can bestow on an individual member. The Award recognizes outstanding Canadian communicators whose work has brought credit to IABC, the profession, their organization or clients, and whose contributions have raised the standards of organizational communication in Canada.
Learn more here: https://iabccanada.ca/en/master-communicator-honourary-designation/
Nomination information
Nomination deadline for the Master Communicator is typically in the fall. Check back for 2017 dates. Visit the Master Communicator website for nomination details: https://iabccanada.ca/en/master-communicator-honourary-
We would especially like to recognize our local recipients:
Anna Marie Willey, ABC, MC – 2011
view biography (pdf): https://iabccanada.ca/documents/Anna-Willey-Bio-English.pdf
Kellie Garrett, ABC, MC – 2010
view biography (pdf): https://iabccanada.ca/documents/FINAL-for-RELEASE-KG-bio3.pdf
Moses Kanhai, ABC, MC – 1996
Irene Rau, ABC, MC – 1995